Mike Johnson, Regional Director
Regional Director Michael Johnson oversees operations for NORA’s Midwest and Western regions. Mike has been with NORA since its start in 2012 and previously served as field leader for the Chicago region. With his long tenure in the organ transplant community, Mike brings a unique perspective to NORA as he is also a pulmonary fibrosis patient and possible future lung recipient.
As a leader, Mike keeps his passion for team building and development at the forefront. He has been instrumental in helping to build NORA into the exceptional organization it is today. His sights are ever focused on the mission, and he blends exacting standards with supportive and effective stewardship.
Mike is also gifted at connecting the first responder and the organ transplant communities. He partners very closely with several non-profit organizations that further their shared goals. He has participated in the Hustle up the Hancock, as well as numerous walks and other events which support and raise funds for donor and recipient families.
Mike began his career in Emergency Medicine in 1992 and completed training as a paramedic and a firefighter. He proudly served in those roles for 22 years before being diagnosed with pulmonary fibrosis, after which he retired as a Lieutenant. Mike continues to honor his first responder roots to this day. Although no longer able to run calls, he is a Fire Commissioner and now supports his hometown department and community in an administrative capacity.
A Chicago area native, Mike is an avid sports fan and loves to support his local teams – the Bears, Blackhawks, Bulls and (most especially) the Cubs.